In few words
Everything we do leaves a mark in our environment. At ProtoNature we work to reduce that footprint and transform our planet into a better place for everyone.
Your world in motion, thanks to the energy of nature, without intermediaries, contracts or services that impose conditions.
Your home or workplace is transformed into a truly personal space when you feel safe. Very accessible technologies that guarantee a lifestyle tailored to your needs.
Solutions for a more comfortable and independent life. We invite you to take a simple and powerful step.
Some Numbers in the World
When you use clean energy, you make our planet a better home.
By 2045 in the renewable energy sector
By 2020
That conventional agriculture
Currently it has only 4%
Transforming your day to day
ProtoNature puts at your fingertips multiple ways to transform your world.
On-grid and off-grid systems with the possibility of taking advantage of both wind energy and solar energy. Have you ever imagined making money with the energy you generate?
Air conditioning
There are innumerable ways to generate cold and heat in a sustainable way. An air conditioner, a cooling system for an entire building? We have the way to concretize that vision.
Drinking water
We have systems that guarantee the self-supply of drinking water, tailored to any volume of demand. Your own source of natural water.
We are what we eat. We bring you a revolution in the way of obtaining 100% natural and organic foods. A healthy garden, without the need for soil, substrates, or sunlight.
Through artificial intelligence, you can reduce unnecessary consumption by analyzing what you throw away. Disruptive technology, ideal to optimize what you buy.
Social Inclusion
Sustainable energy is the best way to improve the quality of life for those who do not have access (economic or geographic) to a traditional network. A better world for thousands of families, until today, ignored.
Our ecosystem
ProtoNature generated alliances with leading companies worldwide. Innovative and disruptive brands that have successfully implemented a new era: the era of sustainability.
Let's go through some of the possibilities we want to offer you.
- Todos
- Solar panels
- Hydroponics
- Baterías
- Wind power
Behind our solutions there are people committed to each of the projects we carry out.
Tomás Wentzel
Marco Emmanuel Ortiz
Michelle Gauweloose
Roberto Fazzito
Marcelo Fazzito
You can leave us any questions. We will respond in a few minutes.
Machaín 4639
Buenos Aires
+54 11 6091-7822